Kindness to Care Staff
We may not be able to visit care home residents at the moment, but we have been busy supporting staff, sourcing PPE and making goodie bags for carers. On 22nd May we prepared and delivered 900 goodie bags to staff in care homes for older people across the Borough of Richmond, to thank them for all their hard work. The bags were sponsored by churches across the Borough and were very well received by the staff. One carer sent us this message:
"Thank you so much for your thoughtful, caring gift. It is perfect Vaseline for the dry lips after a shift wearing a mask, hand and nail cream for the hands that are repeatedly washed and the sweet treats, always appreciated. I lit the scented candle last night and relaxed. Your prayers and the message card mean so much. Bless you all and thank you."
"Thank you so much for your thoughtful, caring gift. It is perfect Vaseline for the dry lips after a shift wearing a mask, hand and nail cream for the hands that are repeatedly washed and the sweet treats, always appreciated. I lit the scented candle last night and relaxed. Your prayers and the message card mean so much. Bless you all and thank you."
Thank you to care staff everywhere for all you are doing to support and shield the vulnerable older people in your care.
Reg. Charity No. 1160400
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